Say Cheese πŸ§€ !

Say Cheese πŸ§€ πŸŽ₯ !!

 When it comes to selling your home a picture really is worth a thousand words, in Real Estate quite possibly thousands of  dollars 😱 A HUGE pet peeve of mine is when a Professional Realtor takes pictures of a house that are dark, crooked, the room is half cut off, the sky is black from a tornado that’s about to ravish the subdivision lol… you get the picture, I mean Mr/Mrs Realtor…you had one job🀣!  Seriously tho, do you remember the old Head and Shoulders commercial “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”? It’s so true! The most appealing pictures to potential buyers are Bright, Clear, Blue Skies  and Accurately Portrayed  Room Sizes.  Accurately also puts me to another thought. Don’t go overboard with photo shop. Here is a perfect example 

                    Actual photo of me 

     Major Photoshopped pictureπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Although while I must say I prefer the Sz -00 picture of me, the top one is reality. Same with home pictures, don’t make it so that when Buyers arrive at the house they say, “Well that’s a disappointment” or the one I hear the most is “It looked way better in the pictures”. The Buyers then are frustrated and disappointed. That combo equals … no offer on your house πŸ₯²πŸ₯². 

For Sale, Sell or Sail? 
I’ll admit I’m the worst at sending text with misspelled words or misused words but it’s all Siri’s fault! No one ever taught her how to interpret “Crazy Busy Realtor Southern Slang” lol. But when it comes to a Professional Real Estate listing make sure you or your Realtor Spell check and then check again. Spell check only corrects the spelling but not the use of the word. I once texted a client who’s dad passed away and thought I said “I’m sorry about your dad”, after a few hours went by with no response I went back to check and what I really said was “I’m sorry about your a##!!!” You all!!! I don’t even curse 🀦‍♀️πŸ€ͺ I literally almost fell out of my chair. Shew! On a lighter note, it was all spelled correctly πŸ™„πŸ˜¬Here is one more. This was an ad I saw for a listing …”Have you been looking to buy a high commercial property, well this one is for you”. Wait what? Who wants to buy a high property?? Lol I think what they meant to say was high end πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦‍♀️

Ok so what have we learned besides the fact that they make a size -00 πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
1. If your selling your home make sure you or your Realtor have Clear, Light and Actually Portrayed Photos of the Property. You get one chance to make that first impression.
2. Check your spelling, use of words in your listing description. Make sure to highlight details Buyers are looking for such as Bedrooms, Baths, Basement, Close Schools, Shopping or Town, Garage Spaces and Acreage just to name a few.
3. And last but not least, if your looking for a Realtor I would love for you to call me! Here is a link to my Zillow page…
Photo credits to Angela Vaught Photography


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